The Franklin Cover-Up: Unveiling the Alleged Child Sex Trafficking Network

1 min readJul 15, 2023

In this one-minute read, we delve into the disturbing and lesser-known conspiracy surrounding the Franklin Cover-Up — a scandal that emerged in the late 1980s involving allegations of a child sex trafficking network operating in Nebraska, USA. The accusations pointed to prominent individuals, including politicians and high-ranking officials, who were purportedly involved in the exploitation and abuse of minors. The testimonies of victims and witnesses suggested a vast conspiracy to cover up the crimes and protect the influential perpetrators. While some claim that the Franklin Cover-Up was a genuine expose of a widespread network, others argue that it was a combination of sensationalism, false claims, and unfounded rumors. Despite ongoing investigations, no conclusive evidence has been presented to fully substantiate the allegations. The Franklin Cover-Up remains a deeply disturbing and controversial chapter in the realm of conspiracy theories and crimes against children.


  1. DeCamp, J. W. (1992). “The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska.” AWT Publishers.
  2. The New York Times. (1990). “Ex-Official of Boys Town Is Indicted in Sex Case.” Retrieved from source.
  3. The Washington Post. (1990). “Nebraska County Begins Inquiry Into Child Sex Abuse Allegations.” Retrieved from source.




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