Welcome to Big Brother's Censorship Hell: Unveiling the Veiled Truth About Gun Rights

2 min readJan 21, 2024

In an era where digital and social media dominate the landscape of information dissemination, the issue of censorship, particularly regarding gun rights, has emerged as a profoundly contentious topic. This article delves into the complexities surrounding this issue, exploring how censorship impacts the discourse on gun rights and the secrets that often remain hidden from public view.

The Big Tech Bias Against Firearms

The digital advertising realm, led by giants like Facebook and Google, has exhibited a noticeable bias against the firearms industry. This has manifested in stringent rules and regulations that significantly hinder the ability of gun manufacturers and related businesses to reach potential customers. This blanket ban extends not only to firearms but also to hunting equipment and ammunition, contributing to a broader narrative of censorship by these tech overlords. Such restrictions impact consumer awareness and the ability to make informed decisions regarding firearms​​.

Armanet: Breaking the Chains of Censorship

In response to this, Armanet, a new digital advertising company, has stepped into the fray. Founded by Ibrahim Pataudi, Armanet aims to fill the void left by major social media and ad-tech platforms'…




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